Future Pillow

Tired back and neck on long journeys? It’s okay. To correct this unfortunate situation can be using camphor pillows. More recently, a group of enthusiasts has created just such a “gadget “, designed to make travel on public transport as convenient as possible.
In the XXI century “the mobile” were to the surprise of even the most simple, familiar to us things. A striking example of such a “device” is created a recently a cushion for longer trips (not only long-distance) under the name KT Rest Travel Pillow. What’s in it is innovative and exclusive? Perhaps the fact that she really “mobile”. For the first time, if see KT Rest Travel Pillow is quite difficult to believe that this cushion. Use of  her at bed will not work, but for a car, train or plane – is the best choice.

The vast majority of road seats in public transport is absolutely not convenient. This injustice and recognized eliminate KT Rest Travel Pillow. Using this pillow is very easily. All that is needed – to put a pillow under your neck. This can be done both during sleep, so, example, and when reading.
Pillow KT Rest Travel Pillow will allow to maintain the optimal position of the back and neck, remove the load from the back. Especially useful it will be during long journeys. It is also important, that road cushion is very the light and compact and fits in any bag, her easy to clean and washable. And her can be used in a car. Suitable this “device”, for both adults and children.

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